Z Nawojką Bauer, Młodszą Kierowniczką Marki Heineken w dziale marketingu Grupy Żywiec, rozmawiamy o nowościach i letnich festiwalach. Nie możecie tego przegapić! Gdzie będzie można spotkać Heinekena tego lata?Jak co roku sezon festiwalowy otworzyliśmy na Orange Warsaw Festival, jesteśmy partnerem piwnym tego…
Z Michałem Kacnerem, Młodszym Kierownikiem Marki Desperados, rozmawiamy o nowej kampanii i letnich planach festiwalowych Desperadosa. Co przygotowała marka Desperados na lato?To, co jest unikalne dla Desperadosa to latynoski vibe, pozytywne podejście do życia pełne radości i świętowania, niekończąca się fiesta, radość…
Desperados Lemon 0.0% non-alcoholic beer is dedicated to all those who know how to have fun spontaneously and can see the fun element in every occasion. In drinks, they look for refreshment and a citrus flavour that opens up for a good…
Desperados Cuba Libre beer is based on the party classic. The rum-infused variant is full of flavour and Cuban character. It was created for energetic moments and gatherings with friends. Together with Desperados, step into the world of Latino and take handfuls…
Desperados Melon Cooler beer is not just about the bottle, which intrigues with its intense green colour. It is a composition of refreshing melon flavour and aroma with beer. Perfect for a hot afternoon or warm evening if you fancy a juicy…
Desperados Jungle Bird is a beer inspired by the popular Latino drink. The flavours of pineapple, lime and rum can be easily detected. The taste is refreshing, fruity and subtly bitter. With Desperados, you’ll bring the party into your home and add…
Desperados Red beer is a flavoured variant that contains guarana extract and cachaça flavour in addition to the agave alcohol flavour. It provides a fresh wave of good vibes to continue the fun throughout the night. A party with desperados Red takes…
Desperados Mojito beer is a hot combination of rum-flavoured party beer with fruity refreshment. It makes the fiesta never end. Desperados Mojito was inspired by Cuba’s most popular drink, and offers the perfect balance between notes of mint and lime, underlined by…
The purchase of alcohol is only allowed for those over 18 years of age. For selected shops, the range of brands may be limited. Delivery options with delivery may also be subject to restrictions.